Dr. rer. nat.
Christine Cirl
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark and Design Attorney
Representative before the UPC
Dr. rer. nat.
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark and Design Attorney
Representative before the UPC
Dr. rer. nat.
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark and Design Attorney
Representative before the UPC
Christine Cirl advises and supports national and international clients in all areas of biotechnology, including pharmaceuticals, plant biotechnology, diagnostics and food technology. She is particularly experienced in preparing FTO reports and legal opinions, as well as IP landscape and portfolio analyses as an integral part of strategic portfolio consulting. Commencing with the drafting of patent applications and designing of application strategies, her work focuses on preparing and conducting complex patent opposition proceedings and actions for revocation. Christine Cirl’s key areas of technological expertise are immunology (antibodies, vaccines, cancer immunotherapy) and protein technology, including genome editing techniques (including CRISPR/Cas).
According to Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers, Christine Cirl ranks as one of Germany’s best lawyers in 2024 in the field of Patent Law.
She speaks German, English, French and Japanese (basic skills).
Studied Biology with focus on Technical Biology at Technical University (TU) Munich, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Munich, and at GSF (Helmholtz Center Munich, department: Gene vectors), specializing on Rational Protein Engineering; post-graduate studies and PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) and PostDoc at Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, TU Munich; professional experience in the (re)insurance business (MunichRe and Allianz; areas: risk management, sustainability, due diligence).
Legal training at an international law firm with accompanying legal studies at the Distance-Learning University of Hagen, at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court in Munich. Distance-Learning University of Hagen: Master’s degree in European Intellectual Property, LL.M. 2019. Patent Attorney (Germany) since 2014, European Patent Attorney since 2015. At Eisenführ Speiser since 2015.
published by Eisenführ Speiser
Case note to UPC Helsinki Local Division, Decision of 20 October 2023, UPC_CFI_214/2023, EPLP - European Patent Litigation in Practice 01/2021
published by Eisenführ Speiser
Article in Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, Edition 01/2023, 4-7
published by Eisenführ Speiser
published by Eisenführ Speiser
published by Eisenführ Speiser
published by Eisenführ Speiser
J. Clin. Invest, 126(7): 2425-36
Weitere Autoren: Waldhuber A., Puthia M., Wieser A, Dürr S., Neumann-Pfeifer S., Albrecht S.
im Rahmen der PATINFO 2016 "Big Data - Chancen und Herausforderungen", 8. bis 10. Juni 2016, Ilmenau
Pathogens, 5(1): pii: E25
Weitere Autoren/Further authors: Waldhuber A., Snyder G.A.
J. Biol. Chem., 2014, Jan. 10, 289(2), 669-79
Weitere Autoren: Snyder, G.A., Deredge, D., Waldhuber, A., Fresquez, T., Wilkins, D.Z., Smith, P.T., Duerr, S., Jiang, J., Jennings, W., Luchetti, T., Snyder, N., Sundberg, E.J., Wintrode, P., Miethke, T., Xiao, T.S
PNAS, 2013, 110 (17), 6985-6990. Weitere Autoren: Snyder, G. A., Jiang, J., Chen, K., Waldhuber, A., Smith, P., Römmler, F., Snyder, N., Fresquez, T., Dürr, S., Tjandra, N., Miethke, T., Xiao, T.S.
PLoS One, 2011, e26101
Weitere Autoren: Wantia, N., Rodriguez, N., Ertl, T., Dürr, S., Layland, L.E., Wagner, H., Miethke, T.
PLoS Pathogens, 26 (9), e1001120
Weitere Autoren: Yadav, M., Zhang, J., Fischer, H., Huang, W., Lutay, N., Lum, J., Miethke, T., Svanborg, C.
Mol. Microbiol., 76 (3), 648-661
Weitere Autoren: Peschel, G., Kernschmidt, L., Cirl, C., Wantia, N., Ertl, T., Dürr, S., Wagner, H., Miethke, T., Rodríguez, N.
J. Leukoc. Biol. 84 (6), 1585-1593
Weitere Autoren: Rodriguez, N., Lang, R., Wantia, N., Ertl, T., Dürr, S., Wagner, H., Miethke, T.
Nature Medicine, 14 (4), 399-406
Weitere Autoren: Wieser, A., Yadav, M., Duerr, S., Schubert, S., Fischer, H., Stappert, D., Wantia, N., Rodriguez, N., Wagner, H., Svanborg, C., Miethke, T.
Journal of Immunology, 2010, 134, 136.45
Weitere Autoren/Further authors: Snyder, G., Jiang, J., Chen, K., Fresquez, T., Smith, P., Snyder, N., Luchetti, T., Miethke, M., Tjandra, N., Xiao, T.
300 (6), 396-401
Weiterer Autor: Miethke, T.
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