Dr. jur.
Julian Eberhardt
Certified Intellectual Property Attorney
Representative before the UPC
Dr. jur.
Certified Intellectual Property Attorney
Representative before the UPC
Dr. jur.
Certified Intellectual Property Attorney
Representative before the UPC
Julian Eberhardt has specialized in intellectual property infringement issues. Another area of specialisation concerns licensing agreements as well as other transactions and due diligence work relating to intellectual property.
Julian Eberhardt was honoured by Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers as "Lawyer of the Year 2024" in the field of Intellectual Property Law. World Trademark Review regularly ranks him as recommended individual: "Eberhardt is a dynamo on both the injury and licensing fronts" (2021). "A master tactician with years of courtroom experience to draw on" (2022). "Infringement disputes, licensing and transactional support are some of his key strengths" (2023). "A skilful litigator across all areas of intellectual property, Eberhardt is also a go-to for difficult transactional issues, from diligence to licensing" (2024).
Julian Eberhardt speaks German and English.
Degree in Jurisprudence from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, First State Examination in Law taken in 1999, specializing in “Commercial Law”, Dr. jur. 2002; Monash University, Master of Laws (LL.M.) 2001; practical phase of training in Düsseldorf and London, Second State Examination in 2004, specializing in “Commercial Law”, Attorney since 2004.
At Eisenführ Speiser (Bremen) since 2007; member of the management board of Eisenführ Speiser.
Julian Eberhardt is a lecturer at Management Circle and at the DeutscheAnwaltAkademie Berlin.
published by Eisenführ Speiser
Eisenführ (†), Schennen (Hrsgb.), 7. Auflage 2023, Heymanns Taschenkommentare, Carls Heymanns Verlag
published by Eisenführ Speiser
published by Eisenführ Speiser
published by Eisenführ Speiser
published by Eisenführ Speiser
published by Eisenführ Speiser
published by Eisenführ Speiser
M. Goldmann, 4. Auflage, Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, Ausgabe 12/2018, S. 576
published by Eisenführ Speiser
Releases 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022; Thomson Reuters Westlaw
Eisenführ, Schennen (Hrsg.), 5. Auflage 2017, Heymanns Taschenkommentare, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Kommentierung der Artikel 9 bis 14, 54 bis 57a, 110 bis 111 (mit G. Eisenführ, mit Ausnahme von Art 9a, 9b, 13a, 57a)
published by Eisenführ Speiser
Management & Mittelstand Nordwest 2014, Ausgabe Juli/August 2014, 24 f.
Management und Mittelstand Nordwest, Oktober 2013, 40 f.
Gaterman/Fleck (Hg.), Technologie und Dienstleistung, Innovation in Forschung, Wissenschaft und Unternehmen, Beiträge der 7. Dienstleistungstagung des BMBF, 2008
Krieger/Uwe H. Schneider, Handbuch Managerhaftung, zusammen mit Dr. Wolfgang Kellenter
AdLegendum (Zeitschrift der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Münster) 2006, 13ff.
[2005] Managing Intellectual Property, 71ff.
zusammen mit Alex Wilson, Andrew Nettleton und Hirokazu Honda
Dissertation, Münster 2002
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