Stefan Wiethoff

Stefan Wiethoff


Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark and Design Attorney
Representative before the UPC

Stefan Wiethoff


Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark and Design Attorney
Representative before the UPC

Stefan Wiethoff has special professional experience in drafting, prosecuting and defending German, European and international patents, especially in patent infringement proceedings.

According to Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers, Stefan Wiethoff ranks as one of Germany’s best lawyers in 2024 in the field of Intellectual Property Law. In 2022 and 2024, he was honoured by WirtschaftsWoche as a TOP Attorney in the field of patent law.

Stefan Wiethoff speaks German and English.

Technical focus

  • Mobile radio communication technology
  • Semiconductor technology
  • Computer systems
  • Computer software


Studied Physics at the RWTH Aachen University, specializing in theoretical elementary particle physics, Master’s degree in 2003.

Legal training and employment as patent engineer in a patent law firm in Aachen, “Law for Patent Attorneys” course at the Distance-Learning University of Hagen, European Patent Attorney since 2008, at Eisenführ Speiser since 2012.


  • Patent Attorneys Association (PAK)
  • Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)
  • Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP)

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