
June 2024

12 attorneys from Eisenführ Speiser among the IP Stars and Notable Practitioners 2024

12 Eisenführ Speiser attorneys have been listed among the IP Stars or Notable Practitioners by Managing IP (MIP) this year. Both awards go to professionals who have been identified by the MIP editorial team as leading figures in Intellectual Property Law. 

The recognized attorneys are Dr Lars Birken (IP Star), Dr Constantin Brecht (IP Star), Jochen Ehlers (IP Star), Klaus Göken (IP Star), Dr Désirée Heintz (Notable Practitioner), Dr Florian Henke (IP Star), Philipp Neels (Notable Practitioner), Philipp Rastemborski (IP Star), Dr Karin Rosahl (Notable Practitioner), Dr Michael Schneider (IP Star), Dr Uwe Stilkenböhmer (IP Star) and Stefan Wiethoff (Notable Practitioner).

Further information can be found here.


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