Downloads UP/UPC

Answers to your questions!

We have compiled detailed answers to all important questions about the new patent system for you in the White Papers on the Unitary Patent (UP) and the Unified Patent Court (UPC). In addition, the Eisenführ Speiser online seminar "Your path to the UP/UPC - Successful preparation for the new system" as well as the fee calculator for the unitary patent prepared by Eisenführ Speiser are available here for free download.

Unitary Patent Calculator

Fee calculator for the unitary patent

Online-Seminars UP/UPC

Your path to the UP/UPC - Successful preparation for the new system - Präsentation zum Online-Seminar

Eisenführ Speiser

Your path to the UP/UPC - Successful preparation for a new system

Eisenführ Speiser

White Papers UP/UPC

The Unitary Patent (UP)

Eisenführ Speiser

The Unified Patent Court (UPC)

Eisenführ Speiser

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