
June 2020

Patent attorney Dr Norbert Hausfeld moves from Meissner Bolte to Eisenführ Speiser

Eisenführ Speiser is continuing its growth: Dr Norbert Hausfeld, patent attorney and previously a partner at Meissner Bolte, will strengthen the team at the Hamburg office from January 1, 2021.

Dr Hausfeld, who holds a doctorate in physics, specializes in all areas of intellectual property law, in particular patents, trademarks, designs, licenses and infringement disputes. His technical expertise includes mechanics, optics, computer-implemented inventions, medical technology, laboratory technology and physical technology.

Dr Hausfeld has been a patent attorney since 2002. He initially worked at Schaefer Emmel Hausfeld (Hamburg) and since 2013 at Meissner Bolte (Hamburg). At Eisenführ Speiser he continues his work as a counsel.

"We are delighted that Dr Hausfeld is joining us as an experienced patent attorney who not only provides his clients with competent advice on technical property rights, but also has a well-developed trademark law practice," comments Eisenführ Speiser managing director Dr Julian Eberhardt.

Dr. Norbert Hausfeld

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