
August 2022

Dr. Holger Veenhuis chairs vocational training committee for Patent Paralegals

Dr. Holger Veenhuis, Patent Attorney and Partner at Eisenführ Speiser (Bremen), was elected as the new chairman of the vocational training committee at the occasion of its most recent session at the German Patent and Trademark Office in Munich. The committee consists of representatives of employees, employers and teachers at vocational schools and deals with all major issues related to the training and examination of Patent Paralegals throughout Germany. Holger Veenhuis has already been committed to young professionals for many years and, in addition to his work on the vocational training committee, has also been active for many years as chairman of the examination commission for Patent Paralegals for Northern Germany and as a lecturer in intellectual property law at the University of Bremen.

In his new office, Holger Veenhuis intends to work in particular to make the multifaceted profession more attractive and better known. This is because training to become a patent paralegal is hardly known, even though it offers above-average prospects for the future. “We want to continue to provide trainees with the best possible support so that they can successfully complete their training. In addition, the aim is to constantly improve the quality of the training and adapt it to the ever-changing conditions in the professional world”, says Holger Veenhuis.

Eisenführ Speiser has been active in the training of Patent Paralegals for many years and provides training at all four locations. You can find more information about our training opportunities here.

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