
June 2024

Eisenführ Speiser publishes "Recent Case Law in German Patent Law 2023"

“Recent Case Law in German Patent Law 2023” has been published by Eisenführ Speiser. In this periodical our litigators report on notable decisions made by the German patent jurisdiction and, for the first time, by the Unified Patent Court (UPC).

The following decisions are discussed:

  • "Gurtstraffer II"
    Federal Court of Justice judgment of 13 December 2022 in case no. X ZR 115/20
  • Glatirameracetat
    (Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court, judgment of 12 October 2023 in case no. 2 U 124/22)
  • Infusionsvorrichtung II
    (Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court judgment of 13 July 2023 in case no. 2 U 79/22)
  • Ästhetische Behandlung
    (Federal Court of Justice, court order of 1 August 2023 in case no. X ZB 9/21)
  • Farb- und Helligkeitseinstellung
    (Federal Court of Justice judgment of 26 September 2023 in case no. X ZR 76/21)
  • Schlossgehäuse
    (Federal Court of Justice judgment of 13 June 2023 in case no. X ZR 51/21)
  • Sorafenib-Tosylat
    (Federal Court of Justice judgment of 28 November 2023 in case no. X ZR 83/21)
  • CQI-Bericht II
    (Federal Court of Justice judgment of 24 January 2023 in case no. X ZR 123/20)
  • Geheimnisschutzanordnung II
    (Mannheim Regional Court, court order of 14 April 2023 in case no. 7 O 91/22
  • Judicial protection of confidential information even when an NDA has been concluded
    (Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court, court order of 4 October 2023 in case no. 6 U 122/22) 
  • Transfer in the patent register
    (Federal Patent Court judgment of 19 December 2022 in case no. 1 W (pat) 30/22)
  • Aminopyridin
    (Federal Court of Justice judgment of 6 December 2022 in case no. X ZR 47/22)
  • Faserstoffbahn
    (Federal Court of Justice judgment of 20 June 2023 in case no. X ZR 61/21)
  • Opt-out with lock-out consequences: the temporal scope of Article 83(4) UPCA and Rule 5.8 RoP
    UPC (Local Division, Munich), decision of 20 December 2023 – UPC_CFI_292/2023
  • File Wrapper Estoppel?
    UPC (Local Division, Munich), decision of 20 December 2023 – UPC_CFI_292/2023
  • Imposition of penalty payments by divisions of the Unified Patent Court
    UPC (Local Division, Düsseldorf), decision of 22 June 2023 – UPC_CFI_177/2023
    UPC (Local Division, Munich), decision of 19 September 2023 – UPC_CFI_2/2023
  • Can revocation proceedings before the UPC be stayed while opposition proceedings are pending?
    UPC (Central Division, Munich), decision of 20 November 2023 – UPC_CFI_80/2023
    UPC (Central Division, Paris), decision of 8 January 2024 – UPC_CFI_263/2023
  • Sanitärarmatur
    (Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court, judgment of 17 May 2023 in case no. 15 U 78/22)
  • Granting of plant variety protection for the ‘Burgred’ variety
    Federal Patent Court judgment of 26 September 2023 in case no. 36 W (pat) 1/22

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