
May 2013

Press release: Eisenführ Speiser uses ‘eFile’ at all four offices

Bremen, 03.05.2013 After more than six years of intensive in-house development, Eisenführ Speiser launched its electronic file management system in May 2011 – thus becoming one of the first German patent attorney firms to do so. The changeover to the eFile system for all the firm’s offices was completed by April 2013.

Eisenführ Speiser has been long involved in the automation of procedures with the aim of enhancing quality and efficiency. The firm played a key role in the European Patent Office project to automate patent application filing and was the first to submit an online European patent application.

For Eisenführ Speiser, using the eFile system promises numerous benefits: greater flexibility in managing files, within and between different locations, especially with the possibility of simultaneous processing by several people, as well as greater reliability and efficiency due to fewer sources of error and faster communication. Clients will ultimately profit as well from the improved, cutting-edge service now offered to them by Eisenführ Speiser.

Ludger Eckey, who managed the project, sums up as follows: ‘We have successfully completed the changeover to electronic file management at Eisenführ Speiser. The eFile system we developed with Brügmann Software GmbH and d.velop digital solutions GmbH is proving to be not only a boon in every practice, but also a pathbreaking innovation. The full acceptance of eFile by all four of our firm’s offices was only possible with the express support of the partners, the untiring commitment and dedication of our development and training teams, and, last but not least, the enormous willingness on the part of all the staff at Eisenführ Speiser to play an active role and learn the system. In short, a fantastic, jointly achieved success!’

Press contact:
Dr. Uwe Stilkenböhmer
Tel.: +49 421 3635-0

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