
July 2015

Best Lawyers 2015/16: Eisenführ Speiser patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law are honorably mentioned

Best Lawyers, the American legal publisher, has published rankings of law firms since 2009. The rankings are based on “peer-reviews”: Legal experts are asked which attorney they would recommend, if they were unable to accept a brief due to shortage of time or conflicts of interest. The rankings are also published in the German edition of Handelsblatt.

This year, Eisenführ Speiser is represented by a total of 15 attorneys in the field of “Intellectual Property Law”: Mark Andres, Rainer Böhm, Julian Eberhardt, Jochen Ehlers, Günther Eisenführ, Harald Förster, Klaus Göken, Volkmar Henke, Jürgen Klinghardt, Frank Meier, Ulrich Sander, Dieter K. Speiser, Uwe Stilkenböhmer, Holger Veenhuis, Joachim von Oppen. Furthermore our firm founder Günther Eisenführ has been honoured as „Lawyer of the Year”. Congratulations!

The ranking and more information can be found at and

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