Philipp Melle

Dr. phil. nat.

Philipp Melle

M. Sc.

Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark and Design Attorney

Dr. phil. nat.

Philipp Melle

M. Sc.

Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark and Design Attorney

Philipp Melle specialises in patent applications and complex opposition and appeal proceedings in the field of chemistry. An additional focus of his work is the preparation of expert opinions, in particular freedom-to-operate analyses and infringement analyses.

Philipp Melle advises major international corporations, medium-sized companies, academic research institutions and start-ups and advises clients in a variety of technical fields such as dental chemistry, food processing, polymer and solid state chemistry, cleaning agents, membrane technology and process engineering.

He speaks German and English.


Technical focus

  • Dental chemistry
  • Food processing
  • Polymer and solid state chemistry
  • Cleaning agents
  • Membrane technology 
  • Process engineering
  • Catalysis
  • Organometallic chemistry


Studied chemistry at the University of Hamburg; spent time at University College Dublin (Ireland); worked on research projects at Volkswagen, BASF and tesa; specialising in porous solids and polymers. Doctorate in organometallic chemistry at the University of Bern (Switzerland); focus: homogeneous catalysis as well as design, synthesis and characterisation of metal complexes and electronically flexible organic ligands. 

Legal training at Eisenführ Speiser, the University of Hagen, the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and the Federal Patent Court. Patent attorney at Eisenführ Speiser since 2024.


  • Patent Attorneys Association (PAK)

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