Jochen Ehlers

Jochen Ehlers


Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC

Jochen Ehlers

Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC

Jochen Ehlers mainly works on patent infringement cases and on the prosecution and defence of intellectual property, where his litigation experience stands him in very good stead. Jochen Ehlers also has special experience in writing and defending national, European and international patent applications. He also advises clients on all national and European licensing matters.

Jochen Ehlers is the publisher and co-author of the “Beck’scher Kommentar” on the European Patent Convention; Chairman of Special Committee Q176 of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) for drafting Implementing Regulations for the revised European Patent Convention 2000; lecturer at the German Lawyers’ Academy (Strategic Deployment of Patents”).

He represented the winning plaintiffs in the “Orange Book Standard” case and also in the recent Sisvel vs. Haier” case before the Federal Court of Justice, which both attracted considerable attention as landmark decisions on the antitrust defence (“FRAND defence”) for avoiding injunctions in SEP patent infringement proceedings.

For more than ten years, the legal publisher JUVE has been ranking Jochen Ehlers as Leading Individual among all German patent attorneys and recommends him in this distinguished group with a technical focus on IT/Software.

According to Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers, Jochen Ehlers ranks as one of Germany’s best lawyers in 2024 in the field of Intellectual Property Law and Litigation. He was awarded the Legal-All-Star 2020 silver award as the second best patent attorney in Germany by WirtschaftsWoche in 2021. He was elected 2022 and 2024 among Germany’s patent attorneys TOP Attorney. Moreover, Jochen Ehlers was awarded winner 2021 of the Impact case of the year Managing IP award on March 30th, 2021. Who’s Who Legal 2022 recognized: Jochen Ehlers receives a plethora of endorsements from his strong prosecution and defence experience in patent infringement proceedings”.

Jochen Ehlers has been honored by IAM Patent 1000 as Leading Patent Professional 2022 and recognized as follows: Jochen Ehlers applies litigation learnings in a prosecution context and vice versa, making him astute and effective all-round patent protector for his clients. He has a deep substantive knowledge of European and international patent law and important subjects such as standard essentiality.

Jochen Ehlers is one of the few eminently respectable entitled UPC representatives which qualified for registration on the list of under Rule 11 REPLC, as he holds a Master of Laws degree (LL.M. European IP law) which was accepted as a qualification equivalent to the European Patent Litigation Certificate.

Jochen Ehlers speaks German, English, French (basic skills) and Japanese (basic skills).

Technical focus

  • Telecommunications engineering
  • Semiconductor technology
  • Computer software
  • Image processing
  • Artificial Intelligence


Studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Hamburg; several years in research and sales at STN Atlas Elektronik GmbH, Bremen; designing realtime software solutions in the field of power distribution, distributed artificial intelligence (“autonomous agents”), hydroacoustics and simulation.

Legal training as a patent attorney, including periods at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the German Patent Court, Master of Laws (LL.M.) 2008 (“European Intellectual Property”); Patent Attorney (Germany) since 1996, European Patent Attorney since 1997.


  • Board member of the German Group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
  • European Patent Lawyers Association (EPLAW)
  • European Patent Litigators Association (EPLIT)
  • German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
  • Patent Attorneys Association (PAK)
  • Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)
  • Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP)
  • Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys
  • Licensing Executives Society (LES)
  • Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Intellectuelle (FICPI)
  • Regular observer at the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA)

Publications & Presentations

Aktuelle Rechtsprechung der Beschwerdekammern des EPA - Notizen für die Praxis

Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, Ausgabe 7/8, 2024

Aktuelle Rechtsprechung der Beschwerdekammern des EPA - Notizen für die Praxis

Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, Ausgabe 7/8, 2023

AIPPI Study Question 2020

Inventorship of inventions made using Artificial Intelligence Further authors: Florian Beck, Anselm Brandi-Dohrn, Stephan Freischem, Wieland Groth, Dietmar Haug, Sonja Mross, Harald Numrich, Melanie Pfeuffer, Stefan Schohe, Matthias Sonntag, Tillman Taruttis, Michael Wallinger, Markus Rieck

Benkard: Commentary to the European Patent Convention

Editor; 3rd edition 2019; 1994 pages, C.H.Beck publisher, ISBN 978-3-406-70375-1

AIPPI Study Question 2017 – Patentability of computer implemented inventions

GRUR Int. 2017, 713

Weitere Autoren: Jan Freialdenhoven, Jérôme Kommer, Matthias Rößler, Michael Fleuchaus, Rainer Kuhnen, Robin Keulertz, Stefan Schohe, Stephan Freischem

AIPPI Study Question (Patents) 2016 - Added Matter: the standard for determining adequate support for amendments

GRUR Int. 2016, 768 (J. Ehlers et al.)

Bericht der Deutschen Landesgruppe für den Weltkongress der AIPPI 2015 in Rio de Janeiro

Brasilien - Inventorship of multinational inventions, GRUR Int. 2015, 909.

(J. Ehlers et al.)

Rezension von: Meinders, H., Beckedorf, I., Weiss, G.

Overview of the appeal proceedings according to the EPC, Mitt. 2014, Heft 1, 51 f.

Streichung von Merkmalen in angemeldeten Patentansprüchen – zugleich Anmerkungen zur BGH-Entscheidung Kommunikationskanal

Mitt. 2014, Heft 7, 301 ff.

Grace period for patents

Internationale Vereinigung für den Schutz des Geistigen Eigentums (AIPPI) – Berichte der Deutschen Landesgruppe für die Sitzung des Geschäftsführenden Ausschusses der AIPPI vom 5.–11.9.2013 in Helsinki, Finnland, GRUR Int. 2013, 759

"Europäisches Patentübereinkommen, Benkard"

2. Auflage 2012; Beck'sche Kurzkommentare, Kommentierung der Art. 90 bis 100; ISBN 978-3-406-60579-6

Die Verwendung der Erteilungsakte in Verfahren nach der Patenterteilung

GRUR Int 2012, 888

Fristverlängerungen, epi Information

Ausgabe 3/2011, 109

Anmerkungen zum Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs "Wiedergabe topographischer Informationen"

Mitt. 2011, Heft 2, 65f.

Das Patentierbarkeitskriterium der erfinderischen Tätigkeit

GRUR Int. 2011, 1019

Verantwortlichkeit für die mittelbare Verletzung von Rechten des Geistigen Eigentums - bestimmte Aspekte der Patentverletzung

GRUR Int 2010, 810

"Auswahlerfindungen - das Erfordernis der erfinderischen Tätigkeit, andere Patentierungsvoraussetzungen und Schutzbereich"

GRUR Int September 2009

Anmerkungen zum Urteil des LG Mannheim "Spurschlingerung mit Steuerungsdaten"

Mitt. 2009, Heft 8-9

Haftung für die mittelbare Verletzung von Rechten des geistigen Eigentums

GRUR Int 2008, 935

Teilanmeldungen von Patenten sowie Patentanmeldungen in Form der ,continuation'-Anmeldung oder der ,continuation-in-part'-Anmeldung

GRUR Int 2007, 498

Die Offenbarung in angemeldeten Patentansprüchen

Gewerbliche Schutzrechte und ihre Durchsetzung: Festschrift für Tillmann Schilling

Änderung von Patentansprüchen nach Erteilung

GRUR Int 2006, 679

Strafschadenersatz als strittige Frage der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums

GRUR Int 2005, 403

Festschrift für Günther Eisenführ

(Hrsg. m. Christian Spintig), Köln

Europäisches Patentübereinkommen

Benkard, 1. Auflage 2002, Beck'sche Kurzkommentare, Kommentierung der Art. 90 - 98, 133, 134, 163

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